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Fictional team logos


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you have talent dude

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I love the Blue Crabs!

I stopped following Icethetics when it went to pay-for-a-membership-and-then-you-get-to-comment and the focus shifted to the fake hockey league (pretty much when it became "Icethetics" from "Tournament of Logos"). I think Chris had a good thing going when he was just writing the blog, and getting contributions from readers.

Let Google host the technical portion and focus on the content. When the site went independent, I noticed that the quality of the content dropped dramatically, and it just became boring. IceHL didn't hold any interest for me. Design leaks, vintage logo match-ups, and freaky reader-submitted concepts were much more interesting because they held a basis in reality that we could relate to.

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I love the Blue Crabs!

Agreed! All of them are very good work but something 'bout those crabs!

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Nice, I'd definitely sport a jersey with the Blue Crabs logo(s)!!! They all look insanely good, man!!! I should hire you to design the logo for my hockey team!!!

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i thought the crabs were the weakest one. but that's always the case. whatever i think is bad, everyone likes and if i think it's good it's bad! i'm just learning illustrator so things should be improving. there were some really good artists doing concepts at icethetics. sigma kappa, roccot, ghetto farm boy. you can see a few of them at the msg board at puckdrawn.com

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My rationale was concerning the overall designs themselves. Which application it was made in isn't as relevant, really. It could have been pencil on notebook paper for that matter! :) Like my criticism of Icethetics, the content will always speak louder than the packaging.

A band could have a really polished CD and top production values, but if their songs suck, then no amount of studio tricks will make a good song. Compare Muddy Waters to anything by Chevelle or any other pop-rock band that I can't stand :) Slick production can't mask crap songs, and a batch of here-today-gone-tomorrow wannabes can't match up to classic delta bluesmen. Muddy Waters didn't play anything complicated, and tended to stay in that 12-bar blues form, but sincerity or despair or whatever emotion just bled from the speakers. Those yahoos in Chevelle or Green Day or My Chemical Romance can't touch that.

I love the Crabs logo because it's unique, first and foremost. The goalie crab is about the most original thing I've ever seen, and the puck-crab is just cute. That uniqueness just reached out and instantly grabbed my attention as I was scrolling through. The names and concepts of the others are VERY well executed, but not as original, which again speaks to the content as opposed to the packaging...and the fact that I didn't really pause while scrolling UNTIL the crabs came up. The Fleur-de-Lis in the alligator foot is also a very unique concept and I like it a lot, but at the same time, how many other teams in various sports are called "Gators" already?

That's one test for me -- if I'm scrolling quickly through a series of images, what makes me stop and go back to look at it more closely?

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


very good work but i'll avoid the Crabs...lol

my fav is the Kodiaks.


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