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I can't be the only loser on here that plays video games, but I may be the only one that blogs about it haha. I've been bored since taking the Bar, and decided to blog about another passion of mine, video games, in particular adventure ones. Here's the blog:


I've had 0 feedback so I'd love to know what people thing. Rip me apart, tell me why I suck, agree with me, anything! Oh, and apparently if you click on the ads on the right of the pages, I get like...one dollar, so help a brother out if you want to haha. I need jersey money since I'm unemployed, and that was an unexpected treat when I found out about it.

Or just make fun of me.

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Johnny, in addition to being a fellow Flyers fan, I can say that I also am a proud gamer. If you have happen to XBL add me :P My favorite game of all time is Resident Evil 4 and if you haven't played it, I HIGHLY recommend it.

Here's a couple dollars lol

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Haha I agree on the MMX, great freakin' game.

GS, you omitted your GT lol, it's my system of choice. I actually didn't like RE4 at all, felt very robotic...I hate the controls too much plus I don't enjoy being scared hahaha. I'm a baby.

Do the reviews suck? I genuinely have no idea.

And I appreciate the clicks guys, a lot.

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Lol I'm stupid. My GT: K0RnD4Wg (0 is a zero). Yes I know it's a funny name; I made it back when I was a wee lad.

And how dare you make fun of my favorite game! :angry: JK, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. And the reviews weren't bad at all. It's nice reading from that not from IGN, Gamespot etc.

What's your opinion on the Assassin's Creed series?

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Hahaha someone misses the 90's! My second concert ever was Orgy lol...oops. I'll add ya soon. Not making fun of the series, just not my cup of tea.

Thanks for that, I've had 0 input and I have no idea what anyone thinks lol.

And I love it. I've beaten 1 and 2 entirely and plan on reviewing them at some point. Need to play the rest, but law school created quite a backlog. Currently working on Dead Island.

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It's my type of game. The trailer was just, amazing...the game didn't live up to it but it's not a bad game. But it didn't live up to expectations, you're right.

Haha it's my name on here, but "teh" instead of "the" since it was taken.

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I know, the fiends!

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Yea, it's glorious haha.

I also want to thank everyone who checked it out, and a big thank you for clicking some ads lol, I'm putting it all towards a future jersey purchase, so keep it up! (If you want to)

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Speaking of video games, does anybody know where to download a sound pack for the new NHL13 game? I got one for the game last year but can't remember where I got it. Someone posted one online with goal horns, intro and intermission music, game winning music, etc.

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